Welcome to The Bear Den

My name is Birna Mellbin, and this site is where I put my writing, be it short stories or longer works. With any luck, you will find at least some of them to be interesting, amusing, or otherwise engaging. Writing has long been a passion of mine, and the ability to share my stories with the world means a lot to me (yes, I know it sounds pretentious, but I'm being sincere here, so sue me). Now, without further ado, welcome to The Bear Den. Enjoy your stay.

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So, about those medical issues...


I'm on medication now, and I'm getting better, but this week has been pretty close to a total wash. So, short story again. Sorry.

Also, I hate giving myself injections. Ugh.

Very short story this week, I'm afraid.


The last few days of this week have basically been a wash for medical reasons. Hopefully I'll get better next week.

Short story again, sorry.


You know how I've been talking about how busy I've been these past few weeks? Well, this week was the busiest of them all by a wide margin. Hopefully it should all clear up a little bit going forward, though.

It's done!


It's a pretty hefty chapter, too, so I hope you all enjoy.

At least it's seasonal.


Remember how I said last week was very busy? Well, this week was even more so. Bureaucracy! So in the spirit of the season, I decided to take a short horror story I started writing last year and finish it up. Next week is probably also going to be very busy, but since I've already gotten a decent bit of work done on the next chapter, I'm hoping I'll be able to finish it regardless.